Welcome to RegulationCity

Your Destination for Every Financial Services Regulation

100 pages of Regulations and 10 AI queries every month

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Access all regulations from the major financial services regulators


Australian Securities and Investments Commission


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority


Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre


Australian Competition and Consumer Commission


Office of the Australian Information Commissioner


Reserve Bank of Australia


AI Powered

AI enabled summary and query of any document in a secure trusted environment. All sources fully referenced.

One Click Access to Any Page

No more searching, downloads or scrolling

Prior versions easily accessible

Superseded versions always retained for reference

Instant Translation

Translate into any of 100 languages with a single click

Update Alerts

Subscribers receive tailored alters of all updates

Advanced Search

Filtered search across all regulations

Bookmark frequently used pages

Instant access through My Bookmarks

Mobile and Tablet Optimised

Access RegulationCity on any device

Select your RegulationCity Plan


$0 / month

Pages of regulations100
AI Queries & Share Results10
AI Summaries10


$9.95 / month

Pages of regulations250
AI Queries & Share Results25
AI Summaries25


$19.95 / month

Pages of regulations500
AI Queries & Share Results50
AI Summaries50



Pages of regulationsUnlimited
AI Queries & Share ResultsUnlimited
AI SummariesUnlimited
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The RegulationCity Team.


RegulationCity includes a translate function – enabling translation of any document
into any one of 100 languages. To translate a document, simply select the language.
10 flags are displayed in the right hand navigation – and all other languages are
accessible from a drop down list.,


Glossary Terms

Every Regulation in RegulationCity has a glossary of terms that will appear as pop up definitions – when you run your mouse over a term that appears in green in the text.
Glossary Terms

Version Comparison

RegulationCity display the latest version of a regulation – and gives you the option to view a previous version. To view a previous version of a regulation, select Previous Version from the About the Document card.

Click on Compare Versions to see both version of the Regulation.

The regulation will display with
– Deleted content highlighted in Red
– New Content highlighted in Green

Version Comparison

AI Summary

Every regulation in RegulationCity has been summarised to enable you to see a short
summary of the document content.

Click on View Summary in the Revealr AI box in the top right navigation.

The document summary will generate on the screen.

AI Summary

AI Query

To select the document you wish to query, either select from the drop down list or enter the name of the document.

Enter the query in the text box at the bottom of the page. The results of your query will then display – together with a link to all the sources used for the query response.

A key feature of RegulationCity is that queries are conducted in a secure environment. RegulationCity does not reference any sources outside the trusted environment of the Revealr Digital Twin to respond to your query. As a result you can be confident that the query uses only the Regulation selected to answer your question.

AI Query

Related Documents & Sections

Every document and section in RegulationCity is linked to related content – Acts and Regulations for example.

To access a related document, simply click on the document in the Related Documents card in the right hand navigation.

Clicking on the Related document opens this document in a new tab- making it easy to move between documents – with no searching or downloads.

Related Documents

Within most regulations, reference will be made to sections of related documents.

RegulationCity makes accessing related sections simple – with a single click from
the right hand navigation.

The page featuring the related section opens in a new tab.

Classification Tags

With over 60,000 pages of content, RegulationCity is a content rich site covering a vast range of regulatory matters. Our Digital Twin technology creates a tag cloud on every page – highlighting the key terms on that page – based upon frequency.

Clicking on a tag opens a list of all the documents within RegulationCity where this term appears.

Classification Tags

Navigating a Regulation

Navigation to any section of any document is designed to be very simple – clicking on the left hand navigation. This is built automatically from the table of contents of the document.

The main headings (heading 1) are accessed directly from the navigation. Sub- headings will drop down as soon as the plus sign to the right of the heading is clicked. 

Navigating Regulations

Finding Regulations

There are 2 ways to find a regulation. – either from the Regulator or using Search

Click on the Regulator from the Home Page. This will open a modal of all the Regulations that are published for this regulator.

The document will open as a series of web pages. Click on the left hand navigation to access any page of the document. No more downloads or long scrolling through documents.

Finding Regulations

If you are not sure which regulator is responsible for the regulation, enter the name of the document in the search bar on the home page.

RegulationCity will display a list of documents that meet your search criteria. Click on the document name and RegulationCity will display the document.


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